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Muscadine grapes are WAY better when they are ripe! Ripe muscadines fully colored, whether dark or bronze varieties.  They are slightly yielding to the touch and pop open easily when you bight into them. And they are juicy and flavorful. Underripe grapes are hard, have a greenish coloring at the stem end,.and disappointing in both flavor and texture. Grapes that are picked underripe may mellow in acidity after being picked, but will not become sweeter.

Consumers: Learn to tell the difference and go for ripe, whether you are picking your own in the garden, picking at a farm, or buying grapes at a farm stand or grocery store. If the seller’s grapes don’t seem ripe, tell them you notice and that you want RIPE grapes.

Growers: Let the ripen a bit more! They will still have excellent shelf life.

Commercial buyers and produce managers: Ask for ripe… your customers will be happier and come back for more.

Nice and ripe

Nice and ripe

Nice and ripe 

Nice and ripe

Not so ripe — mixed

Very mixed

“Hall” is naturally greenish

Let them ripen!